World touristiness map

World map color-coded by level of touristiness, based on analysis of photos on Panoramio. Yellow indicates high touristiness, red medium touristiness, and blue low touristiness. Areas having no Panoramio photos at all are grey. The analysis takes into account how many photos and by how many authors there are in a given area.

For the Web version, you can view the touristiness map in Google Maps, but if you have Google Earth, it is more useful to view it there; to do this, download the KML file and add it to Google Earth "My Places" folder.

Interesting remote places map

World map of interesting remote places, based on analysis of photos on Panoramio and city locations on GeoNames.

This map contains only places that are away from cities; usually outback, hiking destinations, or remote tourist attractions. Color indicates touristiness. Touristy places are red (e.g. Greek islands). Extremely non-touristy places are green; these are often very remote locations where you are unlikely to meet any tourist for weeks (sections of Amazon basin). Places in between these extremes are yellow (for example Ladakh). Grey areas have no Panoramio photos or are not remote at all (New York City).

For the Web version, you can view the interesting remote places map in Google Maps, but if you have Google Earth, it is more useful to view it there; to do this, download the KML file and add it to Google Earth "My Places" folder.

I hereby grant the license to use these maps, data, and code under Creative Commons Attribution license. You can also download the Python script used to create these maps.

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